If you have health insurance, you probably know that one of the questions they ask is if you use tobacco or have used it in the last year(s). The reason for this is because using tobacco (including smokeless tobacco) has an effect on your health insurance rates. Most insurance companies increase the rates of tobacco… Read more »
Category: Chewing Tobacco Facts
Popular Dip Flavors
There are a whole lot of different chewing tobacco and dip brands and flavors out there, so we thought we’d compile a list of all the different major ones. Leave a reply with what dip flavor you would like BaccOff to come out with next. If we left our your brand and flavor of choice,… Read more »
IS DIPPING A SAFE ALTERNATIVE TO SMOKING? Many people trying to give up smoking believe that smokeless tobacco, aka dipping/chewing tobacco, is less toxic and less dangerous. But is dipping tobacco a safe alternative to smoking? Studies show that at least 3% of American adults get their tobacco fix by using smokeless tobacco, and this… Read more »
Chewing Tobacco VS Dip
Chewing Tobacco vs Dip There are differences between chewing tobacco and dip (moist snuff). Chewing tobacco vs dip (moist snuff): what’s the difference? The Cuts The cut of dip ranges from very finely ground fine cut to long cut, which dippers generally find is easier to use. The most common types of dip are long… Read more »
What’s in Chewing Tobacco
Wondering what’s in chewing tobacco? You’ve come to the right place! Don’t have time for dillydally, so let’s jump right into it! Here are just a few different chemicals in smokeless tobacco. Polonium Polonium is a radioactive material found in tobacco. It’s in fertilizers that are used on tobacco farms and is absorbed through the… Read more »
Effects of Chewing Tobacco
The effects of chewing tobacco are much more far-reaching and devastating than you may realize. I’m not just talking about how it’s bad for your health—that’s just one of the many negative aspects of dipping. I’m going to talk about three of the major effects of dipping, and I’m going to start with the least… Read more »
Is Dip Bad For You?
Lots of people have asked, “Is dip bad for you?” In fact, every month over 500 people in the US ask Google that exact question, which means a lot of people don’t know about the dangers of chewing tobacco or dip. Is dip bad for you? Although smokeless tobacco is “relatively” less lethal, it is still… Read more »
Chewing Tobacco Prices
Chewing Tobacco Prices By State Updated March 30, 2023 Dip and Chewing tobacco prices vary per state (and city) and the cost is almost always a reflection on the state’s tobacco tax. And, as you know, the smokeless tobacco brand affects the chewing tobacco price. We looked at all the different brands, shops, and locations… Read more »
Can Gums Grow Back After Dipping
It’s a proven fact that smokeless tobacco causes gum and bone deterioration, and a very common question is “Do gums grow back after dipping?” The short answer is “NO”. The long answer is “Your gums have 100x less of a chance of growing back than the Seattle Mariners have of winning the World Series” The… Read more »
Facts About Smokeless Tobacco
Anyone who has ever tried smokeless tobacco knows the sensation of putting in that first dip. You feel an enormous rush to your head and it starts to spin, your body tingles, and you may even grow a little nauseous. The sensation leads many to do it again. The nausea lessens the second time, your… Read more »
Why Do People Start Chewing Tobacco?
Chewing tobacco has its roots in both native North and South American as well as European traditions. Scandinavians actually chewed “snus,” the Scandinavian term for snuff. When Europeans settled in America, the trend continued. Historically, the reason why people started chewing tobacco was simply because it was pleasant. Scientific evidence about the health effects of… Read more »