How many times have you made New Year’s resolutions, only to fail to follow through on all of them? I know I’m guilty of that. I’ll eat healthier, I’ll exercise more, I won’t make fun of NY Jets fans…you get what I’m talking about. Maybe you’ve even given up on having New Year’s resolutions altogether.
Well, I’m about to let you in on 4 New Years resolution hacks so this New Year can be the year when you stick with your resolutions for good!
I. Focus on 1 or 2 resolutions
When you want to fix something, it works best if you give it your full attention.
You’ve got to focus completely on one thing at a time. If you have a long list of resolutions, your chances of sticking with any of them are very slim.
If you only have 1 or 2 resolutions, you have a much greater chance for success.
II. Be specific
Don’t have a broad resolution, make sure you have a very specific goal.
“I will be healthier this year” = BAD RESOLUTION (not specific enough).
“I will quit smokeless tobacco products” = GOOD RESOLUTION. The more specific your resolution is, the easier it will be for you to focus on it and git-r-done.
III. Prepare mentally
This one is VERY IMPORTANT! A long time ago, when I was about to ship off to boot camp, my recruiter told me, “Bootcamp won’t be easy, and there’s gonna be times when you think about giving up. Anytime you think it’s too f@#!in hard, or that you want to give up because you can’t handle it…just think of all the millions of men AND women who have done it before you…if millions of others could all do it, so can you.”
Anytime I was feeling exhausted or bummed out, I just told myself, “Millions of others have done it already. SO CAN I!”
Honestly, quitting tobacco was more of a challenge than boot camp but In the end, I was successful and a big part of it was because when I finally quit, I was mentally prepared. Every time I got the craving and thought about packin a lip, I’d tell myself, “If millions of others defeated their addiction, then so can I!”
IV. Be realistic and set achievable goals
If your resolution is to quit smokeless tobacco, don’t give yourself the unnecessary stress of quitting cold turkey. Get a sample pack and sign up for BaccOff’s Quit Dipping Bootcamp . The Quit Dipping Bootcamp includes an app to help set goals, track your progress, give rewards and has live chat for moral support.

The more focused you are on just one specific goal at a time, the greater your chance of success is. I know I said that earlier, but it’s crucial, so I’m saying it again.
V. Plan rewards for meeting your goals

Set goals for yourself, and then, when you reach one of them, have some sort of reward planned. When I was quitting dipping, I told myself, “After I go for one month without tobacco, I’ll use the money I would have spent on dip to get myself a new fishing pole” and,“When I get to 6 months being tobacco-free, I’ll use the money I would have spent on dip to buy that Ruger Blackhawk I’ve been wanting.”
When you start to make your plan to kill an addiction (start a resolution), plan out rewards that you can look forward to and help keep you motivated. It also helps if you have someone who will hold you accountable. If you join our Quit Dipping Bootcamp, you’ll have a support group of others battling a smokeless tobacco or nicotine addiction.
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